A Message from NAVTA President-Elect, Beckie Mossor, RVT

 I am so excited to be back on the NAVTA Executive Board. It has been about five years since my last term, and a lot has happened within our profession since then. I am excited to be a part of the exciting changes coming for technicians in the coming years. In the first month of the year, California announced a proposal for veterinary technicians to establish a VCPR for vaccine and parasite control appointments. While neither NAVTA nor I have taken an official stance on the proposal, seeing veterinarians advancing in legislation and recognition kicks off the year with promise.

As an executive board, we have an opportunity to represent the voices of our profession, but to do so appropriately, we need involved members in our organization. My hope for 2023 is the most engaged and empowered membership NAVTA has ever seen. I look forward to the next two years as president-elect, to learn more about the strategic plans and goals, and to learn more about what our colleagues want and need. Most importantly, I want members to feel comfortable reaching out to NAVTA and knowing that they will be heard.  Please, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, complaints, or compliments, they can be directed to the Board of Directors through director@navta.net, and you can always reach out directly or include me at beckiemossor@gmail.com