Meet the 2022 Executive Board – Member at Large

Name: Ryan Frazier
Credentials/Certifications: BS in Marketing and LVT
Number of years as a Credentialed Vet Tech: 18 years

Why/how did you decide to become a Credentialed Veterinary Technician?

I can always remember wanting to be a vet when I was younger. In high school, I learned more about the veterinary industry. I thought becoming a Credentialed Veterinary Technician was better because I wanted more of the nursing care and did not want to be the one performing surgery. Being years in the field, I made the right choice.

Why did you volunteer to serve on the NAVTA Executive Board?

Since college, I have been involved with veterinary technician associations. After college, I got involved with the Wisconsin Veterinary Technician Association and, later when I moved, the Washington Association of Veterinary Technicians. Within these organizations, I have planned CE events for years. I remember getting a complaint from a practice manager that the CE was not useful for technicians because it focused on anesthetic drugs and side effects. She said that technicians do not need to know this information because they cannot decide what drug protocol to use. First, I vowed never to work at this clinic, but then it got me even more passionate to make changes for veterinary technicians, hence getting involved on a more national level.

What do you feel is your greatest professional/personal accomplishment to date?

Looking back on my career, I have been able to do a lot of amazing things. But honestly, I believe one of my greatest accomplishments has nothing to do with my skills but instead being about to change my mindset. In the early days of my career and working in ER, I thought I was a badass, and I remember saying stuff like, “I am not going to learn their name until they have been here six months!” and making fun and criticizing clients often. Years into my career and a lot of maturing, I have made huge changes to this mindset. I have worked hard to ensure new employees feel welcomed and supported and better understand clients.

How do you balance your work/volunteer/home commitments?

Yes and no! As for work, I no longer have a problem saying no and putting my foot down. With the mindset change above, I also realized that I want to work to live and not live to work. As for volunteering, I have a hard time saying no… This is something that I am working on and need to get better at saying no.

Cat person, dog person, other? Why?

Is this really even a question!?!?! Dog 100%… I might upset some people here, but cats are dumb. The only cats I have ever liked were ones that acted like dogs. I remember fostering a dog that someone had taken a knife and tried to skin its front legs. If I were that dog, I would never let a human get close to me. But this dog was the friendliest and most trusting dog I have ever met. My uncle adopted him, and he was one of the best dogs they ever had.