Meet the 2022 Executive Board – President-Elect

Jamie Rauscher – NAVTA President-Elect (2022)
Credentials/Certifications: RVT, Medical Manager, Fear Free Elite, Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Certified, Human Animal Bond certified.
Number of years as a Credentialed Vet Tech: 14

Why/how did you decide to become a Credentialed Veterinary Technician?

I always knew animals were my passion. I started working in a vet clinic in high school and was so impressed with the two credentialed technicians I worked with. I wanted to be just like them.

Why did you volunteer to serve on the NAVTA Executive Board?

I wanted to make a change as the incoming president-elect to provide more representation for credentialed technicians in clinics.

What do you feel is your greatest professional/personal accomplishment to date?

I am now proud to say I am part owner of the clinic I am at. I have been here for 22 years and am proud of the contributions I have made to the clinic’s success.

How do you balance your work/volunteer/home commitments?

I struggle with this daily and am continually trying to find the solution to this. Unfortunately, I do not have the perfect answer as I have not found it yet.

What record-breaking feat would you attempt if you could be in the Guinness book of world records?

Intubating cats with one hand by myself 🙂