Meet the 2022 Executive Board – Secretary

Mandy Fults – NAVTA Secretary
Credentials/Certifications- MS, LVT, CVPP, VTS- Clinical Practice (C/F)
Number of years as a Credentialed Vet Tech- 21 years

Why/how did you decide to become a Credentialed Veterinary Technician?

I was working a summer job as a kennel assistant during my high school days and was lucky enough to see a veterinary technician being utilized to their fullest.  She was a leader, very knowledgeable, and skilled.  The opportunity to view her in action and see the respect that others within the hospital had for her steered me in the direction of where I am today.

Why did you volunteer to serve on the NAVTA Executive Board?

To get more involved!  I enjoy collaborating with colleagues and listening to different perspectives regarding the profession.  Working alongside leaders of our profession has given me a greater appreciation for all the hard work that goes into making positive change.

What do you feel is your greatest professional/personal accomplishment to date?

I am not much of a public speaker, so I feel my greatest accomplishment to date is standing up amongst a room full of leaders at the AVMA Economics Summit and speaking to them about perspectives on clinical practice.  I was extremely nervous but managed to get through it!

How do you balance your work/volunteer/home commitments?

I take it one day at a time and try to work on my priority list little by little to avoid unnecessary stress.  In years prior, I was very addicted to work, and if I wasn’t on the clinic floor, I was researching and studying veterinary medicine.  It wasn’t until the pandemic hit when I had to stay home with my girls for homeschooling, that allowed me to change my lifestyle to become more balanced.   Now I am very intent on how I manage my work-life balance.

What is your most memorable case (good or bad)?

My most memorable case, unfortunately, had a bad outcome.  Lucy was a DSH with DM that eventually developed insulin resistance.  Through continued therapy and diagnostic testing, it was probable that Lucy also had HAC, and treatment was initiated.  When neuropathy set in and her quality of life was compromised, euthanasia was elected.  With owner consent, I submitted Lucy’s adrenal glands and pituitary for pathology review, which confirmed PDH.   Obviously, there are many layers to this case that I can’t detail here, but ultimately with my love for endocrinology and the time and emotions that went into this case, it is one case that I will always remember.