Nutrition Tips for Vet Techs on the Go

Blog Author: Beckie Mossor, RVT
NAVTA President-Elect

Nutrition is a double tricky topic for me. First, I’ve struggled with obesity my whole life, and second, I travel for work a lot. But the few tricks I have learned over the years have helped me through travel and a busy lifestyle at home.

My first trick is home delivery boxes. We use Hello Fresh, but we have tried a few. I choose meals early in the day when I have high decision-making abilities and willpower. Having these meals in the house and ready to go prevents ordering in or eating junk food for dinner instead of a healthy meal. Plus, I feel accomplished when I make a fancy meal!

Second, travel life. This is tough. I will say it’s gotten more accessible than ever before to eat healthy on the go. They even have salad vending machines in a lot of airports. With smoothies, salads, wraps, and the like, eating healthy is not too hard, but that requires the willpower to say no to the more tempting stops along the terminals, like pizza, burgers, or the olfactory siren, Cinnabon. So, success starts with planning, not getting so hungry or tired that I make choices that are not good for me, and carrying a healthy snack to prevent that hangry zone has helped me be successful in the past. And hopefully, these changes will help me to improve my health in 2023… Let’s check back in a year and see!