Reflections: Why We Do What We Do! 

Blog Author: Paige Allen, MS, RVT
NAVTA Task Force Member

Every day we get up, put on our armor, and head out to our jobs. Some of us are in clinics (all kinds), some are in academia, and some have moved to other professions. We all have our joys, challenges, and things nobody knows about! We are unique individuals, as my grandmother used to say: “warts and all.”

I have been a veterinary technician for 39 years. On June 30, 2023, I retired from Purdue University. I have never been one who reflects on what I have done. I make a decision; I move forward to the next thing and don’t often look back. I have been much more reflective and thoughtful as my retirement approached. I want to share some of my thoughts with those of you who will be caring for this great profession.

  1. Be kind: In a world where it is so easy to be mean, take the other path. Choose to be kind to others and especially yourself.
  2. Do the right thing: Stand up for yourself, for others, for your patients. Refer to #1.
  3. Take chances: Give a talk, apply to a board, be active in local/state/professional organizations. You don’t have to know everything; you only need to take the first step.
  4. Be a leader: You don’t have to have some big, fancy title. Be a leader where you are and show people what that means.
  5. Don’t be afraid of change: Change is hard, but it really is the only constant in our lives. You can resent and gripe about it or embrace it and see the good.
  6. Remember why you do what you do. What was your “why” for coming into this profession? Is it still your “why,” or has your “why” changed?
  7. Learn from others. We will NEVER know it all. I learn every day from others around me; my students, my staff, and the random people on the street. Be open to all those around you who can share their knowledge and experience with you.
  8. Finally, don’t live in regret. You made choices, and your life went in a direction because of those choices, making you the person you are today. Love yourself, look for ways to be better, and always be kind.

Even though I am retired from Purdue, I have not retired from the profession. I am still involved in ways that are important to me. If you see me at a meeting or a post on social media, please reach out! I love the connections I have made in this profession. I was, am, and will always be a proud veterinary technician!