NAVTA Government Relations Committee


The objective of NAVTA’s Government Relations Committee is to develop and carry out government affairs and advocacy strategies, as approved by NAVTA’s Executive Board, including proposing legislation and regulations that would advance the profession of veterinary technology/veterinary nursing in America.

The Government Relations Committee achieves this objective by:

  • Collaborating with stakeholders on behalf of NAVTA at the state and national levels.
  • Offering assistance, advice, and resources as able and available to stakeholders involved in issues impacting the Veterinary Technician profession.
  • Fostering dialogue and consultation between government, regulators, and veterinary technicians.
  • Advancing the association’s position on issues, legislation, and policies involving the profession and the public it serves.
  • Assessing the impact of policies and programs on veterinary technology/nursing.
  • Providing representation on national, regional, or professional committees, boards, and other stakeholder groups regarding veterinary technician interests.
  • Providing overall guidance to any working groups or task forces established to support the Committee’s mandate.
  • Monitor and draft responses, as appropriate, to legislation and regulations that would affect the profession.
  • Making recommendations and seeking Board of approval on responses to legislation and regulations.
  • Seeking Member input and action on legislation and regulations that would affect the profession.
  • Educating members and providing tools they can use to educate others on government affairs impacting the profession.
  • Informing public policy makers through regular, coordinated interaction with legislators and regulators.
  • Shaping public policy by providing credible, valid information to legislators and regulators at an early point with continued involvement throughout the process.
  • Educating stakeholders on regulatory and legislative issues through publications, webinars, conference calls, alerts or other modes of communication.
  • Meeting as necessary by conference call to review current activities and to consider new initiatives.

Reporting and Accountability

Except for such authority explicitly provided by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis, the Government Relations Committee shall have no authority in any circumstance to act on behalf of the association or Executive Board, to make statements on behalf of the association or Executive Board, or to otherwise in any way represent the association or Executive Board.

The Government Relations Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board, which retains all decision-making authority for the association.

The Chair (or Co-Chairs) of the Government Relations Committee reports directly to the NAVTA Executive Board through a board-appointed Liaison who is a member of the Executive Board.

The Chair (or Co-Chairs) is required to submit a written status/update report to the Executive Board in advance of regularly scheduled Executive Board meetings.  Urgent matters will be brought to the attention of the Liaison to expedite as necessary communication to the NAVTA Executive Board.

Committee Membership & Terms

The NAVTA President will recommend to the Executive Board candidates to fill the Chair (or Co-Chairs) position(s).  The Chair (or Co-Chairs) must be an Active NAVTA Member in good standing, defined as a “credentialed veterinary technician” with a current membership.  The Chair (or Co-Chairs) shall be appointed annually, each serving a one-year term.  The Chair (or Co-Chairs) may be re-appointed to serve additional terms.

The Chair (or Co-Chairs) of the Government Relations Committee shall recommend to the Executive Board candidates to be committee members.   Committee members may be either an Active NAVTA Member in good standing, defined as a “credentialed veterinary technician” with a current membership, or may be Associate Members of NAVTA in good standing.  In the case of Associate Members on the Committee, such individuals shall not have a vote on any matter before the committee.  Committee members shall be appointed annually, each serving a one-year term.  Committee members may be re-appointed to serve additional terms.

As a minimum, the committee shall consist of:

  • One member of the NAVTA Executive Board, serving as Board Liaison
  • A Chair or two Co-Chairs
  • Three NAVTA members (Active or Associate)

Position Requirements

  • Potential members must provide a letter of intent containing a brief biography including any previous experience on committees and interest in government relations.
  • Experience in a cross-section of veterinary technology
  • Preferred but not required experience in regulatory/legislative advocacy
  • The position of Chair must have demonstrated leadership experience (within or outside of the profession)
  • Prior to committee participation Conflict of Interest, Confidentiality, and Code of Conduct forms must be completed and submitted to the NAVTA office.

Working groups and task forces may be established as needed and appointed by the Chair(s) of the Committee, upon approval of the NAVTA Executive Board.  Working group and task force chairs must be NAVTA Members in good standing with the association.


The Government Relations Committee shall meet at least quarterly and as deemed necessary.

  • Meetings shall be convened by the Chair
  • A quorum of a simple majority of committee members shall be necessary for the committee to make official recommendations to the NAVTA Executive Board.
  • The Chair shall set and circulate an agenda in advance of the meeting and will designate a member of the committee to act as secretary who will prepare and distribute minutes within seven days of the meeting.
  • Communication will be conducted primarily through email or by telephone when an urgent response is needed.
  • Notes from meetings with NAVTA, or any stakeholder group conducted by this Committee or its representative groups will be shared with the Committee within two weeks of those meetings.
  • The Committee shall adhere to all NAVTA policies, procedures, and bylaws.

Resources and Budget

The Government Relations Committee budget will be determined by the NAVTA Executive Board, in consultation with the Committee Chair, as part of the annual NAVTA budget. 


Participants are volunteers and do not receive remuneration with the possible exception of personal expenses, all of which require prior approval from the NAVTA Executive Board.  Consult the NAVTA Travel Reimbursement Policy for eligible expenses.

UPDATE: 5/25/2022 – Applications closed