NAVTA Report on Major Initiatives and Activities – May and July 2024

Presented to NAVTA’s Committee Leaders August 13, 2024

New Staff Position
A new staff position to accomplish items on the new strategic plan was approved. Michele Davis, Senior Manager Marketing & Communications, joined the team on July 9.

National Veterinary Technician Week Theme
The board is recommending to Hill’s that a proposed theme for this year be “Veterinary Technicians Change Lives”, including not only clients’ lives and patient care, but also colleagues and other’s lives through mentoring and teaching.

SWVS Technician Case Study Prize
The board will be funding a $500 prize for a technician case study contest being held at the Southwest Veterinary Symposium.

Washington State Coalition
NAVTA will not be funding a requested $5,000 to help defray legal costs associated with the proposed Veterinary Technician apprenticeship program in Washington state. However, we will continue to extend support for their efforts that are not financial.

GRC Summer Legislative Workshop
The Board approved to have a second legislative workshop similar to last year’s but for members only. That workshop was just completed and had about 15 participants in each of the four sessions.

DR Appointment Process
Effective immediately, DR will move to an appointment process rather than an election. All DR positions are filled.

We will be creating a 2–3-minute video each March congratulating that year’s graduating class, to be sent to SCNAVTA for distribution to the schools.

NAVTA/AAFP Joint Membership
To date, the NAVTA/AAFP Joint Membership program has been successful, bringing in 203 joint members to both organizations. Provided that we have AAFP board approval, the program will be continued for an additional two years.

NAVTA Representatives at Stakeholder Organizations
The board has requested that anyone who represents NAVTA at another organization submit quarterly reports so that the Board can be informed of activities on behalf of NAVTA. A formal policy will also be created on what expectations are for NAVTA representatives and how they are appointed and removed.

CVTS Chair-Elect Nominee
Because a nomination for the CVTS Chair-Elect position has not been identified, according to CVTS Policies and Procedures, the NAVTA President will appoint a Chair-Elect.

2025 Dues Increase
It was decided that 2025 Membership dues will not be increased.

Project Golden Vet
It was requested and approved to provide $5,000 for Project Golden Vet, which involves Ms. Mossor’s Giving Tree initiative. The request was approved due to various marketing opportunities provided to NAVTA because of our involvement. Sponsorship details are pending.

Nominating Committee
Current Nominating Committee members include Ashli Selke (Nominating Committee Chair per NAVTA Bylaws), Melissa Evans (Board Member), Christen Puckett-Smith (Committee Chair), and Christina Loftin (DEIB representative). A call for volunteers for the Nominating Committee was sent to NAVTA members to fill the Member-At-Large seats, with 11 people volunteering. Jamie will be selecting these at-large members so that Ashli can begin the committee’s work in the next couple of weeks.  There will be three board seats that need to be filled.

Board Member Term Extension
Currently there are four Board members to rotate off the Board and, according to bylaws, there can be only three.  The board will be meeting August 20 to determine which board member’s term will be extended by one year, as is permitted in the bylaws.