Professional Wellbeing-30 Years and Growing!

By: Rebecca Rose, CVT

It saddens me to see social media threads full of despair and even resentment towards a career I have personally found rewarding, intriguing and challenging. For me, the past 30 years in veterinary technology has been one opportunity after another. Sure, I have been known to see the cup half-full. I feel others may be missing an aspect of Professional Wellbeing in their career, something that is not built on luck, but rather pluck. The choice is yours.

What is Professional Wellbeing? Consider the temperature of your career. Is it lukewarm? Is it within the normal range? Or is your career on FIRE!? Growing and invigorating? Normal range may mean reaching its pinnacle within 5-7 years.

In all industries, a career is what you make it. It is up to you to take its pulse, determine how you will make it healthy and sustainable. Others have created sustainable, satisfying careers within veterinary hospitals and beyond. It is within your reach, too!

The majority of my career was designed while living in a small rural town on the Western Slope of Colorado (a town of 5,000 people). In a town three-hours away from a large city, in the middle of NOTHING I created SOMETHING. It was through exploring options in careers that grew my network and opened doors, even in the middle of the Rocky Mountains!

Identify your Professional Wellbeing, objectively, then set your sites on what it can be! Answer the following questions, truthfully, then start networking to make your career healthier and more satisfying.

  • How do I currently feel about my career in veterinary technology?
  • What is my career temperature; lukewarm, normal or on FIRE? Some other description?
  • Who, within my sphere of influence (or beyond) proves to be a model in Professional Wellbeing? Take that person out for lunch. Let the networking BEGIN!
  • How can I create Professional Wellbeing in my life?
  • What do I need from my career (personally, professionally, financially)?
  • Be very clear in your needs!

In the AVMA’s booklet 100 Healthy Tips to Support a Culture of Wellbeing you will find the Occupational Wellbeing section. There you will find individual tips pointing you in the direction to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment. Your relationship with your career is crucial to your happiness and success. You spend 40 hours a week in veterinary technology, MAKE IT HEALTHY! Your attitude towards your job is yours alone, OWN IT!