NAVTA 2023 Board of Directors Election Update

Erin Spencer has notified NAVTA of her decision to withdraw her nomination for the President-Elect seat. As a result, Beckie Mossor is the sole candidate for President-Elect and will, therefore, be elected in accordance with NAVTA’s bylaws, which state:

If the number of candidates on the ballot equals the number of open seats on the Board of Directors, there shall be no requirement to send ballots to the membership for voting. In this case, the membership shall be informed of the uncontested election status and the Treasurer shall be instructed to cast one vote on behalf of the persons entitled to vote in favor of the persons nominated by the Nominating Committee.

It is important to note that Erin Spencer’s name remains on the ballot. The ballot remains unaltered. The voting process is open until 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, January 1, 2023. Please remember to cast your vote if you have not already and encourage fellow members to vote so we hear from as many of our members as possible. NAVTA’s strength lies in its members who are dedicated to advancing the profession, and we encourage you to vote to ensure that our organization remains the leader for veterinary technicians nationwide.