The United States Patent and Trademark Office on November 28, 2023 issued a Certificate of Registration for the VTS logo (shown above) in connection with “testing, analysis and evaluation of veterinary technicians to determine conformity with established accreditation standards.”
The VTS logo may only be used by individuals who successfully complete accreditation and subsequent re-accreditation processes developed by NAVTA-approved Veterinary Technician specialty academies. The 16 NAVTA-approved academies are:
- Academy of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Technicians and Nurses
- Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians
- Academy of Internal Medicine Veterinary Technicians (specialties in Cardiology, Neurology, Small Animal, Large Animal, and Oncology)
- Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Anesthesia and Analgesia
- Academy of Veterinary Zoological Medicine Technicians
- Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Clinical Practice (specialties in Small Animal (Canine/Feline), Small Animal (Feline), Exotic Companion Animal, and Production Medicine)
- Academy of Laboratory Animal Veterinary Technicians and Nurses (specialties in Research Clinical Nursing (Traditional), Research Clinical Nursing (Non-Traditional), Research Surgeon, and Research Anesthetist)
- Academy of Veterinary Behavior Technicians
- Academy of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Technicians
- Academy of Dermatology Veterinary Technicians
- Academy of Equine Veterinary Nursing Technicians
- Academy of Physical Rehabilitation Veterinary Technicians
- Academy of Veterinary Nutrition Technicians
- Academy of Veterinary Ophthalmic Technicians
- Academy of Veterinary Surgical Technicians
- Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Diagnostic Imaging
Click HERE for a complete list of individuals permitted to use the VTS logo at each of the above NAVTA-approved specialty academies. This list was provided by the specialty academies in January 2023. If you have questions or corrections about the list, please contact the specialty academy directly.
The VTS logo must always be used with the statutory notice of registration: ®. If you are a current VTS, please contact your specialty academy to obtain an updated logo with the registration mark. Improper or unauthorized use of the VTS logo will result in legal action by NAVTA.
NAVTA’s VTSSM academies exists to help veterinary technicians attain a higher level of recognition for advanced knowledge and skills in a wide range of specialty disciplines.
For more information about NAVTA’s VTSSM academies and how to become a NAVTA-approved academy, please visit https://navta.net/veterinary-technician-specialties/.
In a separate action, the US Patent and Trademark Office also issued a Certificate of Registration for the VNS logo (shown below) in connection with “testing, analysis and evaluation of veterinary technicians to determine conformity with established accreditation standards.”

The “Veterinary Nurse Specialist” designation may be earned in countries using the “Veterinary Nurse” title. The VNS credential recognizes that not everyone in the veterinary technology profession uses the designation of Veterinary Technician and that the Veterinary Nurse credential is common in the United Kingdom and Australia.
The VNS logo must always be used with the statutory notice of registration: ®. If you are a current VNS, please contact your specialty academy to obtain an updated logo with the registration mark.
Improper or unauthorized use of the VNS logo will result in legal action by NAVTA.