Celebrate National Veterinary Technician Week

Blog Author: Oreta M. Samples, RVT, MPH, DHSc
NAVTA Committee Member

Has any time in your career ever been as challenging as the last two years? If you are new to our noble profession, are you wondering if this “really is what you signed up for” when you started your educational journey? Regardless of your answer, you deserve to be celebrated for what you do, not just in October but all year. And as a veterinary technician, you have a seat at the table, your voice matters. Enhance your career by using that voice and not being a “silent spectator.” Be involved in your local, state, or national level of veterinary technology as an integral part of your career. Check to see if your state has a veterinary technicians association; some do not. Join up, if for no other reason than to become part of a like-minded community and stay abreast of what is happening in your profession.

If your state is one of the few without a state association, start a grassroots movement to establish a state veterinary technicians association or perhaps partner with a nearby state. Your state veterinary association is a great place to start with such an initiative, as they will be thrilled to have your input and interest.

Being involved has many advantages, including providing CEs, meetings, and camaraderie. Volunteerism knows no bounds, from serving on your state association boards to assisting at a national convention such as AVMA, which often offers volunteers discounts on registration for a few hours of sweat equity. As I have done over the years, you will find that convention volunteerism often adds the dimension of collaboration and a different type of teamwork to the conference experience and your overall career goals. And you just never know when such new contacts will come in handy or become cherished friends.